
Minimap Interpretation – 3 locations

AUD$220.00AUD$370.00 + GST

See description below for instructions and details on how to submit data. It is expected that you have read, understand and agree with the information given below (click on “description” to show).


A standard Fz/Cz/Pz EEG Minimap interpretation from data gathered by EEGer software.

  • Raw and summary data reviewed and interpreted by Dr Moshe Perl (expert in EEG and neurofeedback).
  • A written analysis will be provided, including likely symptoms and suggested starting neurofeedback training protocols.
  • For an additional fee a written report, appropriate for distribution to the client can be provided.


If you would like to have a non-standard minimap interpreted by Dr Perl, or one recorded by other softwares (not EEGer) then please contact us to discuss.




SKU: N/A Category:

Dr Moshe Perl is an expert in EEG and neurofeedback, with over 20 years of clinical, teaching and mentoring experience. He has studied and worked with many of the world-leading experts in neurofeedback and EEG, seen a wide variety of clients in his own clinic and has mentored over 100 practitioners which has further broadened his clinical knowledge and expertise.


Please read the following important information and instructions before purchasing this product and submitting data.


Important information:

  • If this is the first time you are purchasing this product, please speak to us first to ensure that this is the right product for you.
  • It is your responsibility to protect your clients’ identities, please do not send identifying data.
  • We will endeavour to provide this interpretation in a timely manner, but it is best to speak to us first to ensure that we will be able to do the work for you in time.
  • If the data sent is not in the format described here, or is incomplete, then we will either try to provide as good an interpretation as possible, or we may require an additional fee to complete the work (given the additional time required).
  • This interpretation is not diagnostic, and the administration of neurofeedback therapy, including all therapeutic outcomes are the responsibility of the practitioner.
  • Initial training protocols will usually need to be modified according to client responses. The practitioner should be aware of this and either be able to modify protocols independently or seek mentoring as needed.
  • Non-standard Minimap recordings (which would attract a higher fee) may include additional sites (e.g. F3, F4) or recordings of the client’s EEG whilst reading.


Instructions on submitting Minimap data:

  • We require the following information:
  • Raw and summary data for EEGer recordings at Fz, Cz, and Pz, eyes open and eyes closed (i.e. 6 periods of approximately 1 minute each).
  • A clear label of each period included in the recording (e.g. “period 1 – Fz eyes open”, “period 4 – Cz eyes closed”, “period 5 – disregard”).
  • A brief description of client age, gender and presenting symptoms.
  • Results of any neurofeedback conducted to date.
  • Instructions on recording, exporting and sending a Minimap can be found in the first day practicum (chapter 3) of the notes from our 4-day training – “neurofeedback in a clinical practice”.
Additional Information

Analysis, Analysis + Report